Thursday, February 16, 2023

English Language Learners

 Throughout the school system there are several students with different needs. One of them are English Language Learners, these are individuals that have very minimal knowledge of the English language. These students require more time and thought out lessons.This is mainly because without the language they have issues with the material is being taught in. Many of these students have culturally diverse backgrounds where English is not their first language. So, many skills are needed to be developed as an educator to help these students succeed. One of the main reasons these type of communication and lesson skills need to be developed, is because many of  the students cannot learn if they do understand the language. Communication is key for educational skills and if you cannot have that with a student it can lead to a lot of issues. Another reason, is because these students need to be supported and not left out. A lot of times it is also frustrating for the student to not be able to communicate and in order to build a relationship with a student it is important to have these extra steps. English Language Learners are a diverse group of students that will be found in the classroom and as educators one must be prepared to assist them in the best way possible.
Teacher teaching English to ELL Student

I believe teachers should be more supportive of English Language Learners, and empathize more with their needs. It is difficult to accomplish when you already have several students, but as someone who was in ELL I felt left out. The program I was in was severally lacking, because both the teachers felt as if their effort was not worth putting into me learning the language. A lot of educators do not realize that most of the time for the students, this is there only method of support that would help them learn the language. My parents could not help me because they did not know the language themselves. Another issue, as to why ELL students need more attention is because a lot of the time ELL programs were more like programs for problematic kids in my experiences. Teachers in general just need to be able to incorporate their english language learners more it would really benefit them to practice the language in class and not just outside of class. Most of these kids in the program are eager to learn, I know I was, and they just need that extra push of help.

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